1. How to use payment code
Open "Money", and then show QR code/barcode to the merchant, who uses a code scanner or camera to scan your code and receive funds.
2. Payment limit
After activating the WeChat Pay payment service, password or security verification is not required for single transactions below ¥1,000. For transactions above this limit, password verification is required.
Tenpay has the right to adjust your password-free payment limit based on regulatory requirements, transaction scenarios, risk control needs, and your location.
Not all merchants support this service, and actual payment limit is subject the merchants to whom you make payments to.
3. Payment security
1) Before making a payment with your payment code, please carefully confirm your purchases and transaction amount with the merchant.
2) For the security of your funds, each QR code/barcode is only valid for a certain period of time and can only be used once.
3) Do not disclose your payment code (such as image or digital information of the code) to others.
4) "Payment Code" feature can only be activated on one mobile phone per user.
5) Payment password will be required if you log in on another device.
6) Suspicious transactions will be blocked by our security system.
7) Payment password will be required if unusual activity is detected on your account.
8) Network connection is required for first time users of this feature. For subsequent transactions, users can show payment codes to make payments without having to connect to the Internet. However, network connection is required for checking transaction details.
4. User terms
See the "Payment User Service Agreement"